SGA Review Services / Security / Technology Needs

SGA Review Services / Security / Technology Needs
3/11/2024, 3:00 PM 4:00 PM
Microsoft Teams Meeting

RE: Video Conference Meeting.

Again, just an informal meet, me, Chirs Farr, our VP of Ops, and Jay Carpenter, our VP of Sales to review and do a little planning for what we can do for SGA moving forward.

It has been a little while since we have had an opportunity to sit down with you and talk about the support services, we provide to Southwest Georgia Academy. The things we support for SGA have kind of grown a bit as “needs popped up”. I can safely understand that SGA has to run within the constraints of budgets from tuition, fundraising, and any special donations for projects provided by parent organizations, so being good stewards of finance is an understatement …

SGA has seen much growth in terms of the technical side of their support needs, and we have implemented several upgrades and changes along the way. This would be a great opportunity for us to understand from your perspective things we may need to help with to continue your growth and manage the faculty and your student technology needs. We would also like to be sure that we are doing all we can to ensure that SGA is continuing to safeguard the school, the board, and faculty, and the students from the unfortunate bad actors of the internet, which includes the typical Internet access to the more recent threat from Cybersecurity, and dark web threats.

We look forward to talking with you, please feel free to share this invitation with anyone on your team you feel may be instrumental in sharing insight with our team.


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